The Icons of Pskov (2 volumi), pg. 784

Lingua: russo.

Gift set of 2 books "Pskov Icons". The books are leather-bound, gold-embossed and contain many color reproductions.

This publication is dedicated to a remarkable phenomenon of Russian culture - the Pskov icon and the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood, the formation of which is associated with the history of the Pskov land. As each of the published monuments shows the power and originality of the Russian painting tradition, so each page of the Pskov history testifies to the great importance of this land in state building and protection from external encroachments. In this understanding, Pskov has always been a special, chosen city. One of its suburbs is called Izborsk. The beginning of the state foundations of Russia is traditionally associated with the first written mention of Izborsk in the "Tale of Bygone Years", where under the year 862 it is written: "... the oldest, Rurik, sit in Novgorod, Sineus on Beloozero, in Izborsk Truvor ...". Therefore, the anniversary of Izborsk in accordance with the Decree "On the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the founding of Izborsk" is also a celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the Russian statehood. The Pskovites have always served their state faithfully and loyally. Thousands of names of Pskov people who fought, traded, composed, created, served for the good and in the name of their country are known to the world. These are Saint Olga, Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles, Elder Philotheus, A.S. Pushkin, M.I.Kutuzov, M.P. Mussorgsky. Their names symbolize the glory and greatness of the past, which we must remember. This publication, in a certain sense, is dedicated to the memory of the Great Pskov Icon Painters, whose names, as a rule, we do not know. But thanks to the initiative and financial support of the Pskov community in Moscow (Chairman of the Board V.N. Tumanov) and the Russian Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Fatherland" (President of AM Volovik), for the first time are published in this book the icon-painting monuments of the XIV-XVIII centuries, which have been restored in the last 10 years and kept in the Pskov Museum-Reserve.
Moscow, 2006 - 512 pages. Hardcover. Format 210 × 270. Coated paper.
The Icons of Pskov (2 libri) Giacenza: 1 - COD. L0128
€ 190,00

Prodotti in offerta

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L'orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini 312 - 468
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Anna Maria Negri

Anna Maria Negri


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Le tavole in legno di tiglio massiccio, da me acquistate on-line presso la fornitissima Falegnameria Dal Molin, per eseguire lavori d'intaglio, hanno un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo e sono disponibili, in un vasto numero di formati... Molto curato anche l'imballaggio dei prodotti inviati, ricevuti con consegna puntualissima. Complimenti!

Andrea Monguzzi

Andrea Monguzzi


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Non pratico l'iconografia, ma mi cimento con il chip carving. Ho girato mari e monti online alla ricerca di tavole di tiglio per poter coltivare il mio hobby, e ne ho comprate diverse da diversi fornitori. Ho sempre speso molto per delle tavole scadenti. Un giorno sono finito, per caso, sul sito della Falegnameria Dal Molin e mi si è aperto un mondo. Tavole di tutte le misure, e anche di forme particolari... Ne ho ordinata qualcuna per provare e devo dire: FINALMENTE! Finalmente delle tavole di alta qualità, ben rifinite e a prezzi onesti. Inserito immediatamente nei miei preferiti il sito, dal quale conto di ordinare spesso :) Grazie mille!

lorenza Verdi

lorenza Verdi


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Questo laboratorio mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta ! Fantastico !! Un mondo speciale x gli appassionati di icone . C’è tutto il materiale indispensabile accompagnato da professionalità , competenza ed entusiasmo !!




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