Tesori nascosti. Le icone del Museo Diocesano di Brescia. Ediz. illustrata
Il volume presenta una parte speciale del Museo Diocesano di Brescia, una collezione permanente che custodisce opere di pittura, scultura, oreficeria sacra, preziosi tessuti liturgici, codici miniati, ma anche importanti acquisizioni di arte contemporanea. Tra le perle più nascoste di questo Museo figura la collezione di icone russe della quale il presente volume offre una scelta esemplare, anche al fine di introdurre il lettore in un mondo di luce, di bellezza e di sapienza, affinché possa apprezzare la profondità spirituale della raffinata teologia visiva presente in questa rara e originale raccolta. Queste icone che, a livello stilistico potremmo definire "popolari", sono l'espressione più autentica di una fede secolare, disseminata nel vasto universo russo. La collezione custodisce, inoltre, alcune icone preziose e rare, dei "Vecchi Credenti", sostenitori dell’antica tradizione culturale russa, emarginati e perseguitati a seguito della Riforma liturgica del Patriarca Nikon nel XVII secolo. Queste icone, realizzate solo su commissione, sono rare e sono difficilmente esposte nei musei statali russi.
Autore:Emanuela Fogliadini
Collana:Arti e teologie
Anno edizione:2023
In commercio dal:20 marzo 2023
Pagine:140 p., ill. , Brossura
Tesori nascosti. Le icone del Museo Diocesano di Brescia. Ediz. illustrata
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
Anna Maria Negri
The solid lime wood boards, purchased by me online from the well-stocked Dal Molin Carpentry, to carry out carving work, have an excellent quality/price ratio and are available in a vast number of formats... The packaging of the products sent was also very careful and received with very punctual delivery. Compliments!
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
Anna Maria Negri
The solid lime wood boards, purchased by me online from the well-stocked Dal Molin Carpentry, to carry out carving work, have an excellent quality/price ratio and are available in a vast number of formats... The packaging of the products sent was also very careful and received with very punctual delivery. Compliments!
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?