Il Volto ritrovato. I tratti inconfondibili di Cristo
Nella tradizione iconografica occidentale il Volto di Cristo, dopo i primi due secoli di cristianesimo e fino al Rinascimento, è sempre rappresentato con tratti ben riconoscibili, cosa che invece non è accaduta ad esempio per la Vergine. Questo fatto sembra avere un nesso con le cosiddette "acheropite", cioè le immagini del Volto di Cristo che la tradizione tramanda come non dipinte da mano umana. Immagini in cui Gesù stesso avrebbe consegnato agli uomini le fattezze del suo Volto: in Oriente il mandylion, un panno sul quale Egli avrebbe impresso la sua immagine rispondendo al desiderio di Abgar re di Edessa; in Occidente il velo con cui Veronica avrebbe asciugato il volto di Gesù sulla via del Calvario. Fonti letterarie e storiche ricordano un altro ritratto su stoffa, più antico di questi, che riceve il nome dalla città della Cappadocia in cui apparve: Kamoulianai, Camulia. La tradizione che circonda queste tre immagini coincide in modo sorprendente con quella che avvolge il Volto di Manoppello (Pescara), anch'esso su velo e realizzato con una tecnica esecutiva che, nonostante le indagini che di recente sono state tentate, non è stata ancora scientificamente spiegata. Il volume (catalogo di una mostra del Meeting di Rimini 2013) illustra la vicenda di queste quattro immagini, del loro misterioso apparire e scomparire nel tempo e della fortuna che ebbero nel corso dei secoli.
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
Anna Maria Negri
The solid lime wood boards, purchased by me online from the well-stocked Dal Molin Carpentry, to carry out carving work, have an excellent quality/price ratio and are available in a vast number of formats... The packaging of the products sent was also very careful and received with very punctual delivery. Compliments!
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
Anna Maria Negri
The solid lime wood boards, purchased by me online from the well-stocked Dal Molin Carpentry, to carry out carving work, have an excellent quality/price ratio and are available in a vast number of formats... The packaging of the products sent was also very careful and received with very punctual delivery. Compliments!
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?