It is a natural clay paste, used as a colloid in the preparation of the background in the gouache gilding technique. Depending on the iron oxides that compose it, the bolus comes in various colors: red, yellow or black. The bole is used in gilding as a base for the metal leaf, guaranteeing the gilder a stable and perfectly homogeneous application. The color of the bole substantially affects the color depth of the gold or silver leaf, restoring a chromatic balance to the metal and giving it more warmth.
How to use:
- Melt in a bain-marie using a 300 ml gilding pan. of bolus in 900 ml. of collection, previously prepared from Rabbit Glue, until obtaining a mixture with a fluid and light, but not watery, consistency.
- The bole should be passed hot on the surface of the plaster, with a firm and light brushstroke, without leaving streaks. We recommend using the ox hair Bolo application brush.
- If the bolus is diluted in the right proportion even a single coat is enough (you must not see the white background of the plaster), otherwise after about 4 hours you can apply a second coat, trying not to increase the thickness of the layer too much, which would cause to an inevitable detachment of the gold and the bole during the burnishing phase.
- Usually the complete drying of the bole layer occurs in a few hours, however it depends on the humidity of the environment and the season of the year in which you are working.