L'arcangelo Gabriele ha appena raccolto il volo. Piegate sul dorso le ali dalle piume rosso arancio, il messaggero divino si genuflette. Non reca con sé alcun attributo, né giglio né baculus viatorius, con la sola eccezione del diadema al vertice dell'elegante viluppo dell'acconciatura. Le braccia sono incrociate sul petto, la mano destra compie un gesto contenuto indirizzato alla Vergine, l'altra è infilata appena sotto l'ascella e afferra un lembo della veste. Maria pare non distogliere gli occhi dal piccolo libro di orazioni adagiato sopra le ginocchia, sulle cui carte squadernate si legge la "risposta" all'annuncio di Gabriele: Ecce ancilla Domini. Avvolta nel suo manto azzurro, siede su una panca, disposta in tralice a suggerire la profondità dello spazio, che richiama invece nella tinta il rosa del paludamento angelico. Le due tavole, rese note da K. Steinweg nel 1959 e datate agli esordi degli anni Venti del XV secolo, costituiscono gli exempla pienamente riconoscibili del linguaggio di Álvaro Pires da Évora, un pittore capace - sono parole di A. De Marchi - di una «sintesi originale e inconfondibile», frutto di una «esecuzione sempre meticolosa nell'intrecciare attentamente le pennellate, con un gusto per la finitezza e l'evidenza grafica». Attestate nel Pio Istituto dei Buonomini di San Michele in Volterra fino al 1935, le tavolette dell'Annunciazione, considerata la forte presenza di Pires sul territorio, furono realizzate per la stessa città: per certo terminazioni apicali di un polittico, si possono plausibilmente ricondurre a una delle tre pale volterrane del pittore portoghese.
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
giuseppina bonaccorso
Ordered before Christmas and everything arrived in a few days. In the catalog there is everything you could want to write an icon. The difficult thing is to limit yourself and buy only the bare essentials
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.
lorenza Verdi
This workshop left me speechless! Fantastic !! A special world for icon enthusiasts. There is all the essential material accompanied by professionalism, competence and enthusiasm!!
giuseppina bonaccorso
Ordered before Christmas and everything arrived in a few days. In the catalog there is everything you could want to write an icon. The difficult thing is to limit yourself and buy only the bare essentials
Andrea Monguzzi
I don't practice iconography, but I try my hand at chip carving. I searched high and low online looking for basswood boards to pursue my hobby, and I bought several from different suppliers. I've always spent a lot on cheap boards.
One day I ended up, by chance, on the Dal Molin Carpentry website and a world opened up to me. Boards of all sizes, and even particular shapes... I ordered some to try and I have to say:
Finally some high quality boards, well finished and at fair prices. I immediately added the site to my favorites, from which I plan to order often :)
A thousand thanks!
The product arrived in Finland in less than two weeks and works perfectly. Also well packed. Would definitely recommend this seller ?
Nina Dragušica
Everything I need for painting Icons I found here. The order was easy and delivery very fast to Croatia. Items very well packed. Would strongly recommend!
Thank you Falegnameria Dal Molin.