Red-pink lac of organic origin obtained from the dried bodies of the female of an insect (Coccus cacti) that lives on various species of cactus (essentially on the Nopalea coccinillifera plant) in Mexico and Central-South America. The coloring principle is carminic acid, which is extracted by boiling one kg of dye with 30 g of potash in a liter of water with alum. One hectare of land cultivated with cacti produces approximately 300 kg of cochineal equivalent to 2 kg of dye. Known since ancient times in Persia and India, coccinigla lacquer was introduced into Europe only after the conquest of Mexico in 1523 and was used until the last century. Its preparation was described for the first time by the Franciscan Homberg in 1656.
It is characterized by poor chemical stability and, in the light, tends to discolour, leaving a greyish or brown residue. For this reason and due to its high cost it has seen decidedly limited use in techniques.
Cocciniglie Red is suitable for tempera, watercolour, oil, violin / wood, acrylics.