The face of the Blessed Virgin. (set of 2 books) Russian language

The face of the Blessed Virgin. Incarnation and life in the centuries of the Mother of God images. Notes of an icon painter (set of 2 books)

The books contain many revered miraculous icons of the Mother of God, as well as little-known images. The author describes not only history, but primarily the iconography, which includes both the external features of the images and their symbolic language. Much attention is paid to the "genealogy" of images, which was previously studied only in works of art history. In addition to new historical material, well-known legends about miraculous icons have been examined anew.

The books are intended for the believer who is interested in the origin and artistic expression of miraculous icons, as well as for priests, icon painters and Sunday school teachers.
Russian language.
The face of the Blessed Virgin. (set of 2 books). Russian language auf Lager: 0 - COD. L02623
€ 165,00

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